Java Programming Applications

Java™ Programming Applications

First Edition

Michael Robinson
Florida International University

Java Programming Applications

The purpose of this book is to teach you computer programing using the Java Language, no previous programming knowledge is required.

Using over 100 of our own very clearly docummented Java programs, we teach in detail, and step by step, how to create very useful programs. All programing applications examples presented here are based on simple every day common situations. No math, physics, statistics or other challenging topics are used as examples.

The knowledge acquired from this book will help you greatly in learning other programing languages. Java is a very clear language to learn programing and most of their functions are similary implemented in other languages.

As of this writing the Java language is found everywhere. According to Oracle Corporation, owners of Java

      97% of Enterprise Desktops Run Java
      89% of Desktops (or Computers) in the U.S. Run Java
      9 Million Java Developers Worldwide
      #1 Choice for Developers
      #1 Development Platform
      3 Billion Mobile Phones Run Java
      100% of Blu-ray Disc Players Ship with Java
      5 Billion Java Cards in Use
      125 million TV devices run Java
      5 of the Top 5 Original Equipment Manufacturers Ship Java ME

Thank you and Happy Programming!!

Michael Robinson