/* Author : Michael Robinson Program : SportCarSBClass.java Purpose : This is a sub-class inheriting from the VehicleSPClass super-class. This class overrides several methods and has its own variable private static String myName = ""; which overrides an exact variable in the super-class ToolsSPClass. Updated : September 23, 2099 */ public class SportCarSBClass extends VehicleSPClass { private static String myName = ""; //overrides setMyName at ToolsSPClass super-class public static void setMyName( String name ) { myName = name; }//end public static void setMyName( String name ) //overrides getMyName at ToolsSPClass super-class public static String getMyName( ) { return myName; }//end public static String getMyName( ) //this method overrides myInfo in VehicleSPClass super-class public static void myInfo() { setMyName( "from SportsCarSBClaSS at " + "VehicleSPClass.setMyName" ); System.out.println( "I am myInfo() at SportCarSBClass" ); }//end public static void myInfo() //calls mpg and myInfo methods from super-class VehicleSPClass void superSample() { super.mpg(); super.myInfo(); }//end void superSample() }//end public class SportCar extends VehicleClass