/* Author : Michael Robinson Program : webPage3.java Purpose : This class is called a SUB-CLASS because it INHERITS from the SUPER-CLASS cssDefaults. This class can contain methods with the same name as the methods in the SUPER-CLASS overriding the SUPER-CLASS methods. This class can also have their own additional methods, not found in the SUPER-CLASS. Updated : July 31, 2099 */ //extends means that this class inherits all the public code from an //external class called ccsDefaults public class webPage3 extends cssDefaults { //The super-class cssDefaults has a method with the same //name of this method. //This method overrides the method in the super-class public void fontCSS() { System.out.println( "\n\t\t\t^^^I am the Sub Class^^^" ); String fontType = "Loma"; String fontSize = "15"; System.out.println( "\t\t\tFont Type = " + fontType ); System.out.println( "\t\t\tFont Size = " + fontSize ); }//end public static void fontCSS() //The super-class cssDefaults has a method with the same //name of this method. //This method overrides the method in the super-class public void colorCSS() { System.out.println( "\n\t\t\t^^^I am the Sub Class^^^" ); String foreGoundColor = "Blue"; String backGoundColor = "Yellow"; System.out.println( "\t\t\tForeground Color = " + foreGoundColor ); System.out.println( "\t\t\tBackground Color = " + backGoundColor ); }//end public static void colorCSS() }//end public class webPage3 extends cssDefaults